Meet Dr. Leonard Siskin

New patients are generally surprised when they come to the office and find the doctor filling out our intake forms with them. This is one method I use to get to know the people in our office. For nearly two decades our office has been serving the local community with quality alternative healthcare which currently includes chiropractic, massage therapy and our BStrong4Life program. It has been a long time since I worked as a psychiatric social worker for the state of NJ. Since completing my graduate academic studies at chiropractic college and graduating Suma Cum Laude in 1998 I’ve had the opportunity to work with thousands of healthcare consumers. Over the years I’ve come to realize my chosen profession also makes up many of my hobbies. I’ve had the honor of teaching continuing education courses for chiropractors and chiropractic students. I served as a regional member on the board for the state chiropractor’s association. I hold the title of Co-Chair of the best practices and practice guidelines project of the International Chiropractors Association.
Educating Patients
Professionally my goal has always been to help individuals learn better how their body functions and to offer drug and surgery free solutions for achieving optimal health. It is my passionate belief chronic pain and sickness are the result of unresolved stresses to the body. I often experience patients reporting to me they suffer because their doctor does not know what else to do other than give them drugs and or tell them just to deal with their suffering. It breaks my heart to hear about all the things people used to be able to do or are scared of trying in fear of pain or injury. For many, the methods used in our office have been instrumental in helping people heal from and develop much deeper insight to their physical problems. Very often we are able to find information overlooked or missed by the medical community. Much of the time these insights prove essential to helping the individual. Our office has worked with countless individuals to help them communicate better with their doctors, achieve healing and reduce or eliminate drugs and the need for surgery. This is done on an individual basis according to each person’s specific healthcare situation.
Our Practice Goals
Goals in our office are collaborative with consumers. Chiropractic patients are offered options for treatment plan goals involving pain relief, structural improvement (including posture improvement), wellness or chronic condition supportive care, fall prevention, drug free osteoporosis focused exercise, etc. Consumer goals are based on allowing maximal healing and relief so people can resume the activities they enjoy without restriction or reservation. We believe comfort is as important as the health it takes to be comfortable and that drugs tend to be over-used and relied on for problems that can improve or even sometimes be fixed through some diligent work.
On a personal note..
If you are reading this and care enough to put some energy into improving your health and life quality, you are welcome in our office! I hope you consider allowing me the opportunity to meet you in person so I can listen and discuss your specific health challenge. Call me or Click here to email me your questions!